It's been awhile but I figure maybe its time to blog about all the changes since Easter...
Well Jayden's 4 month Dr. appt was last week and she is growing like a weed (as so many of my older patients like to say) she's 25 1/4 inches tall and weighs 14lbs 9 oz already. Its crazy how big she is I think she is gonna be tall like her daddy and I'm ok with that cause im short... She is growing out of all of her PJ's I finally got smart and instead of buying more 3-6 months I bought 6-9 and sadly she is almost long enough for them :( makes me sad! Finally she is sleeping through the night YAY!!! She will sleep from 10 pm -8 am HELL YA I love it...
We took Jaydabug swimming for the first time this month and she absolutely loved it she is such a fish we spent a good 45 min in there before I got BORED and was ready to get out :)
She just loves her new toys... such a spoled baby girl but hey it keeps her entertained which makes us happy
Anyway so much continues to change as we continue on this adventure of life :)
I love hearing about her! She's such a doll and I can't wait to meet her! I love that in the picture of her in her jumper, she's jumping on a Wii fit lol