9 months Pregnant |
It's now 2011... Where the hell did 2010 go I mean really I can't believe how fast this year has just flown by. Its hard for me to think that this time last year I was 4 weeks away from having my baby girl. I was soo ready to be done and so ready to Pop. As we axiously await our precious baby girls arrival I became more and more anxious about becoming a new mommy. I did know anything about being a mom or how to take car of this little baby, but as we know you can't just put it all back and forget you ever got pregnant. So on February 5, 2010 I was induced and after a fairly easy delivery we had out angel. 10 fingers and 10 small toes she was 6 lbs 1 oz 20 inches long and perfect.
My perfect little Angel! 1 day old |
Our little Jadabug is so smart she has accomplished so much in her first year of life and it has been amazing to watch her grow and learn and develope.
Sitting up like a big girl! |
Attempting to crawl |
In the last year we have watched Jayden, master tummy time ( I tell you how important tummy time is) move on to what I called the army scoot or stink bug crawl :) quickly she went from that to crawling and I swear she only crawled for like 1 1/2 months then moved on to master walking which quickly turned into running. During all of this development she also said her first words (mommy and dadda of course) she now says thank you and goggie :) she also decided she wanted teeth all at once and cut 5 teeth all within a day or so... Talk about painful. She is also getting the hang of feeding herself although she thinks its so funny to feed the dogs so she gives them more then she eats...
Her Attempt to feeding herself! |
Our first Christmas as a family. Jayden got more toys then she knows what to do with, but some of her favorites are her babies of course which she now carries around with her, and her big ball pit which currently has more babies and other toys in it then balls but that is ok she loves it. Right now the only thing she loves more then all her toys is her bath time :) she gets so excited to see the bubbles and water.
Her New favorite ball pit |
She just loves her bubble baths |
And now that she has teeth we are beginning the fun phase of brushing her teeth and teaching her she can not bite people. Thats been fun, but after me biting her back she has not bit me again so maybe it really did work. But dang her little teeth are sharp.
Bridal Pictures |
It has been an amazing but busy year with Jayden. Me and James have been busy also, we got married this year September 25, 2010. We went on a fantastic honeymoon to San Fransisco it was so much fun and nice to get away just the 2 of us. Then I jumped feet first into my new obsession Bootcamp with Jess, a military style 6 week kick your ass workout program and it has changed no only my life but my moms, husbands, brothers, and 2 good friends lives as well. I will fit into size 9 jeans next year and I plan to run marathons this fall :) We have also made a big choice that we will start trying for baby #2 either Zoey Nicole or Braxton Wayne this summer and we are both excited for our family to continue to grow.
Jayden's first Christmas 2010 |

I hope this year is as wonderful and exciting as this last year :) can't wait to see what adventures await us!
Stylish blog! Love the darlings red hair!